How to Add a Coupons & Offers?

To create coupons and offers in the Admin View, follow these steps:

  1. Log In: Sign in to your admin account.

  2. Navigate to Coupons and Offers: Go to the section where you can manage coupons and offers. This might be labeled as "Marketing," "Promotions," "Coupons," or similar.

  3. Create New Coupon/Offer: Click on the option to "Create New Coupon" or "Add New Offer."

  4. Enter Coupon/Offer Details:

    • Name: Enter the name of the coupon or offer.
    • Description: Provide a description of the coupon or offer.
    • Discount Amount: Specify the discount amount (percentage or fixed amount).
    • Code: Create a unique code for the coupon.
    • Validity Period: Set the start and end dates for when the coupon or offer will be valid.
    • Usage Limit: If applicable, set the limit on how many times the coupon can be used.
  5. Set Conditions: Define any conditions for the coupon or offer, such as minimum purchase amount, specific products or categories it applies to, etc.

  6. Save and Activate: Review the details and click "Save" or "Activate" to make the coupon or offer live.

  7. Verify: Check the coupons and offers section to ensure the new coupon or offer appears correctly.

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