Create Stripe product with membership and subscription options

To create a Stripe product with membership and subscription options, follow these steps:

  1. Log In: Sign in to your Stripe account.

  2. Navigate to Products:

    • From the Stripe dashboard, go to the "Products" section. This can be found in the left-hand menu.
  3. Create a New Product:

    • Click on the "Add product" button.
  4. Enter Product Details:

    • Name: Enter the product name.
    • Description: Provide a detailed description of the product.
  5. Set Pricing Model:

    • For subscription or membership options, select "Recurring" as the pricing model.
    • Set the billing period (e.g., monthly, yearly).
  6. Add Pricing Tiers (Optional):

    • If you offer different membership levels or subscription plans, add multiple pricing tiers. Each tier can have a different price and billing period.
  7. Set Up Payment Options:

    • Define the price for each tier or the single subscription plan.
    • You can also set a trial period if you want to offer a free trial for new subscribers.
  8. Save Product:

    • Review all the details and click "Save product" to create your new product with the membership and subscription options.

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