Access and Apply Filters in Docu.Team

To access and apply filters in DocuTeam, follow these steps:

  1. Log In: Sign in to your DocuTeam account.

  2. Navigate to the Relevant Section:

    • Go to the section where you need to apply filters. This could be a list of documents, tasks, or other data.
  3. Locate the Filters Option:

    • Find the filter options, usually available as a button or menu labeled "Filters" or an icon that looks like a funnel.
  4. Access Filter Settings:

    • Click on the "Filters" button or icon to open the filter settings.
  5. Select Filter Criteria:

    • Choose the criteria you want to filter by. This might include categories such as date range, status, tags, or other attributes.
  6. Apply Filters:

    • After selecting your filter criteria, click "Apply" or "Update" to apply the filters to the data.
  7. Review Filtered Results:

    • Check the results to ensure that the data displayed matches your filter criteria.
  8. Clear Filters (if needed):

    • To remove the filters and view all data again, click on "Clear Filters" or a similar option.

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