Setting Up Your Merchant Account

The merchant account will allow non-members to join and pay online from your website, existing members are able to renew using a credit card, and your online store will also accept immediate payments. Additionally, your event registration system will allow members and the public to register and pay online for their registration. 

Below are the merchant accounts that we support:


Ideal for chambers seeking the most flexible merchant account, offers numerous features. From automated monthly billing for membership dues to accepting electronic checks, it is our preferred choice.If you decide to sign up for an merchant account, kindly share your account's API Login ID and Transaction Key. We have provided instructions on how to obtain this information, which you can access through the following link:


If you have access to the PayPal account, here are the steps to follow:

  1. Login > Settings > Account Settings
  2. Click Website Payments > 'Update' on Instant payment notifications
  3. 'Choose IPN Settings'
  4. In the 'Notification URL' field enter: ( for ectown servers)
  5. Make sure 'Receive IPN messages (Enabled)' is selected
  6. Save
Once this is complete, please let us know the PayPal account email address to finish the set-up on our end.


Kindly share with us the API Key and Secret Key of your account. You can find the instructions on how to obtain them here:

Additionally, we kindly request that you also provide us with the webhook signing secret. Please follow these steps:

1. Sign in to your Stripe account and navigate to

2. Click on "Add endpoint."

3. Paste this URL in the "Endpoint URL" field:*ORG ID* (for CHAMBER ORG only)*ORG ID* (for ECTOWN only)

4. Choose "checkout.session.async_payment_succeeded" as the event type.

5. Click on "Add endpoint."

6. Kindly copy the webhook signing secret and share it with us.


Please provide us your merchant account's username and password. Our engineering team will require the these information to configure it with your new system.

First Data Global Gateway

We connect to the First Data Global Gateway e4 / Payeezy gateway;

Here are the fields needed for integration:
  • Gateway ID:
  • Password:
  • HMAC Key:
  • Key ID:
  • Gateway ID and Password are from the 'terminals' section.
  • HMAC Key and Key ID are under the 'API' tab, under terminals section

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