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In QuickBooks Online, most sales transactions are categorized as Products/Services. For example, membership dues and event registration fees are commonly tracked using separate Products/Services. To connect these transactions with the MMS (Membership Management System), you'll need to create the corresponding Products/Services in QuickBooks Online and map them accordingly.
Here's a simple step-by-step process to follow:1. Create the necessary Products/Services in QuickBooks Online (refer to Intuit's documentation for detailed instructions).2. Log in to the MMS with admin privileges.3. Navigate to Membership Billing.4. Under the Data Export section, click on "Edit General Ledger Accounts".5. At the bottom of the screen, select "Add New GL Account".6. Choose a Product/Service from the QB Item dropdown and provide a descriptive name in the Description field. It's recommended to use the same description as in QuickBooks to avoid confusion.7. The Account Number field is optional. If used, it should only contain numbers (no letters or punctuation).8. Click "Submit".9. Repeat steps 5-8 for each Product/Service you need to map to G/L Accounts.10. In section 6.15.3 (mentioned later), we'll guide you on assigning these G/L Accounts to transactions throughout the MMS.
Frequently Asked Questions:Q: Do I need to map all the Products/Services from QuickBooks to MMS G/L Accounts, even if I don't use them in the MMS?A: No, you only need to map the Products/Services that you'll be offering through the MMS. You can ignore the ones not relevant to your MMS operations. This situation often arises when organizations have long-standing Products/Services in QuickBooks that are no longer used (e.g., "2009 Annual Conference").
Q: What happens if I try to export a transaction that hasn't been mapped to a Product/Service in QuickBooks?A: The system will generate an error and pause the export process until the mapping is correctly established.