Chamber Classes is a service by Chamber Nation. Visit Chamber Nation.
In the Member Billing System, you have access to various reports and data export functions to help you track dues payments and manage membership information. Here's an overview of the available options:
1. Billing Status:
- Member Status Summary: Shows the balance for each member sorted by name, including total dues owed.
- Aging Report: Displays unpaid invoices categorized by their past due status and age.
2. Paid/Unpaid Members Report:
- Consists of two reports (paid and unpaid) based on the balance due for each member.
3. Last Term Status - Payment/Credit:
- Provides a table of members whose last term was paid with a payment or credit.
4. Process Diagram:
- An infographic that explains the billing process within the Member Billing System.
5. Invoice Report (by date):
- Shows specific invoices based on the statement date, allowing you to summarize and review invoice amounts.
6. Paid Thru/Expiration:
- Paid-Through Report: Lists members with an active paid invoice on a specified date.
- Paid Through With Member Info: Generates a comprehensive list of current members with their database details, including the paid-through date.
7. New/Drop/Renew:
- New Members Report: Generates a list of members who joined within a specified date range.
- Referred By Report: Provides a list of current members and the individuals or organizations that referred them.
- Renewed Members Report: Lists members who were renewed during a specified month.
- Dropped Members Report: Displays a list of members who were dropped within a specified date range.
- Monthly/Quarterly Board Members Report: Shows various statistics related to aging, dropped members, new members, renewal payments, and upcoming renewals.
8. Invoice/Payment:
- Invoice Report (item detail): Shows detailed information about member billing invoices within a specified date range.
- Batch Renewals (future invoice) Report: Displays members due for renewal based on a specified posting or effective date range.
- Member Invoice Graphs: Presents graphical representation of invoice sums and the number of open invoices per member.
- Payment Report (by date): Lists members with a paid invoice that is active on a specified date.
- Unassigned Payments: Identifies payments that are not assigned to invoices.
- Overpayments: Highlights payments that exceed the balance on the invoices they are applied to.
9. Terms of Membership:
- Terms of Membership: Shows the current membership term for each member.
- Terms in Which Members Were Paid: Lists members with active and paid dues invoices during a specified date range.
10. Member Timeline Reports:
- Provides timelines for all members, organized by membership type if needed.
11. Other:
- Combined Reporting (Mem/Evr/Store): Exports transactions across the system within a specified date range.
- Event Registration Reporting: Opens the all-event reporting screen from Event Registration.
- Store Transaction Reporting: Opens the transaction report from the Online Store module.
Data Export:
If you require billing data for use in another software product, the billing system offers a data export feature. Here's how to use it:
1. Select the "Export Invoice/Payment Data" option from the Member Billing System menu.
2. Enter the begin and end dates for the desired transaction range.
3. Choose whether to export invoices, payments, or both.
4. Click submit to generate a comma-delimited file (.csv) containing the requested data.