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Member Database: Member Management
17 January 2025

Member Database: Member Management

The Member Database System provides tools for viewing, adding, editing, and deleting member information. Customize your view, filter by status, search by details, and keep your member data organized and up-to-date.

In the Member Database Admin area, users with administrative-level access can modify information for all members. Admins have the authority to add, modify, or delete members, as well as change their membership status.

Viewing Members and Member Data:

  • Use the View dropdown to customize your view of members. Select specific member types and plans, or choose "All Members" or "All Record Types" for a broader overview.
  • The search function allows you to locate specific members by entering member's name or email. It searches all available member data to identify the desired member(s).
  • Refine your member view by selecting a specific status (Active, Pending, Denied, Dropped) or choose "All Statuses" for a complete overview.

New members can be easily added by clicking the "Add new member" link. This will open a form requesting the necessary information. Once complete, simply submit the form to create the member's record.

To modify a member's information, including their status, locate the edit icon (pencil symbol) next to the desired member. Clicking this icon will open a form allowing you to update their details.

For member deletion, locate the red "Delete" icon (X) next to the desired member. However, members with invoices in the Member Billing System cannot be deleted. In such cases, to retain invoicing information for audits, we recommend changing their status to "Dropped."

Clicking on the $ icon. This will direct you to their billing dashboard, allowing you to view the member's transactions, update payment details, and manage their account effectively.

Member Database Fields

The Member Database stores essential member information through various customizable fields. These fields can be configured within the Member Management System (MMS) using "General Configuration" and "Custom Fields and Field Labels" settings.

  • Name: Includes first name, last name, and, in Business Mode, the Business Name. Additional options include a 'title' field (Mr., Mrs., Ms., Dr., etc.), Middle Name, and Suffix (III, Jr., CPA, PhD., etc.).

  • Employer/Position: Allows you to enter a member's employer and their position. In Business Mode, the employer field is replaced with the Business Name field.

  • Address: Includes address, address line 2, city, state, ZIP/Postal code, and country.

  • Alternate Contact: If enabled, this field allows you to enter an alternate contact name for the member. Useful for Business Mode where the primary contact may differ from the billing contact.

  • Alternate Address: If enabled, this field allows you to enter an alternate address. Useful for Business Mode where the primary contact in the public member directory may differ from the billing address.

  • Phone: In Individuals Mode, it includes home phone and work phone, with an option for a fax number. In Business Mode, it includes phone, alternate phone, and fax number.

  • Category: Used in Business Mode to classify members by business type. Helps users search for businesses based on category (Auto Glass, Mortgage Originator, Web Developer, etc.).

  • Email: The member's email address for notifications and emails. An option to use a second email field is available for members with multiple emails.

  • Username: Visible to admins and used to grant member access. To provide access, enter a username and ensure a valid email is entered. You can send a welcome email containing the username and a generated password.

  • Status: Members can be marked as Active, Dropped, Pending, or Denied. Pending and Denied are used when members require approval. Pending members are placed in a pending status until an admin approves.

  • Member Type (Membership Plan): Defines different member types for your organization (student member, full member, honorary member). Includes predefined record types for non-members (list-only, prospect, past-member).

  • Employee Count: Used in Business Mode for tiered membership plans. Enter the number of employees for the member.

  • Dues Override: Allows exceptions to the standard dues amount associated with the Membership Plan. Check the checkbox and enter the custom billing amount for the member.

  • Member Security Level: Two primary security levels: Member and Administrative. Administrative level users have access to the full Membership Management System. In the account system, there is a third level, Account Admin, with access to all members within their account.

  • Join Date: Represents the date a member joined the organization or the date a prospect was added to the list. Essential for setting up the member billing system.

  • Exclude Premium: This indicates if the member belongs to the Premium Members or not. If this is ticked, our team will create a marketing landing page and catalog for this member.

  • Newsletter/Email Distribution Lists: Controls member inclusion in various email distribution lists and the newsletter list.

  • Custom Fields: Three types of custom fields: Text Fields, Indicator Fields (checkbox), and Selection Fields (drop-down). Admin-specific custom fields also available, visible only to admin-users.
  • Contact support for assistance in configuring custom fields.

  • Admin Permission: Grant admin-level access to specific modules to member-level users, by checking off checkboxes to each modules.

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