Typically you would visit your organization's website and locate the login button. Use the lost password function if you don't have your username and password. It will send your access immediately if you use your membership email address.
(If you are accessing this from the Chamber Nation system, you may now need to click on the "Member Advertising" button and then proceed as follows)
- In your dashboard, click on "Product and Services." From here, you can enter the title of your product and have the description generated automatically using the AI buttons or manually enter and Click "Proceed."
- Next, you will see the "More info URL" where you can add a link where people can find or read more information about your product or service.
- In the "Choose category" section, select the category that matches your business,
- in the "Ad type" section, choose if this is a product or service,
- In the "Display Photos," you choose and upload a photo of your product or service. For best results photo should be sized 800x500.
- Save