Chamber Classes is a service by Chamber Nation. Visit Chamber Nation.
The engagement score helps measure a member's level of involvement and participation within the MMS. It provides valuable information to understand their activity and engagement, enabling you to better track and manage member interactions.
E-Score is gained for
Attendance: You can gain up to 10 points for this.
+2 points per event within the last 90 days.
Board: You can gain up to 50 points for this.
+50 points if you are a Board member.
Committee Chair: You can gain up to 30 points for this.
+30 points if you are a committee chair.
Committee Member: You can gain up to 25 points for this.
+25 points if you are on a committee.
Event Sponsorship: You can gain up to 20 points for this.
If a member has a website linked on their profile
High Tier Membership: You can gain up to 25 points for this.
+20 points for having a tier above $500 dues.
+25 points for having a tier above $1000 dues.
We could change the numbers on this one? We don't have to bill for it.
Open an email: You can gain up to 3 points for this.
+3 points for having opened an email in the last 90 days.
This only works if the member doesn't have any security software preventing us from seeing them open emails.
Email Click-thru: You can gain up to 5 points for this.
+5 points if someone clicked a link in an email in the last 90 days.
This only works if the member doesn't have any security preventing us from see-ing them click links.
Calendar Submissions: You can gain up to 5 points for this.
+5 points if someone put something on the calendar for this year.
Press Releases: You can gain up to 5 points for this.
+5 points if someone put something on the press release for this year.
Classified ads: You can gain up to 5 points for this.
+5 points if someone put something on the classified ads for this year.
Purchased Banner ads: You can gain up to 5 points for this.
+5 points if someone put something on the banner ads ads for this
Recent Login: You can gain up to 3 points for this.
+3 points for logging in within the last 30 days.
The other report I am not sure what the purpose of it is. It appears to be a report that is only available with your chamber organizations or select organizations that have requested it.