Website Upgrade

We currently support two platform options for all organization websites, whether you are utilizing Pippily or the MMS platform:

  • Weebly
  • DUDA

If you are currently using Weebly, we provide a complimentary upgrade to the DUDA platform, which offers enhanced functionalities and improved ease of use. Our latest widgets are fully integrated with DUDA, ensuring seamless integration with our system.

The upgrade process includes both the conversion and redesign of your website. If you are interested, please submit a ticket with the following information:

Upon receiving your request, we will contact you to confirm the initiation of the upgrade. The upgrade process typically takes a minimum of one month, depending on the number of websites we are working on.

Please note that we also offer WordPress-powered websites; however, these take more time due to integration restrictions. We strongly recommend that all our clients use our primary supported platform, DUDA, for the best experience.

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